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- A grand strategy game of WWII
- The Avalon Hill Game Company
- 4517 Harford Road
- Baltimore, MD 21214
- The 1939-1940 Demo
- Toll Free Order Number: 1-800-999-3222
- Expected Release Date: Summer 1996
- Welcome to the THIRD REICH PC 1939-1940 demo. This demo will allow you to play
- the first part of our grand strategy game on WWII--starting with the invasion of Poland
- and ending when France is conquered or at the end of 1940 (whichever comes first). You
- command the Allied powers against the computer driven Axis powers.
- Those familiar with our board game Rise and Decline of the Third Reich (or just Third
- Reich for short) will find THIRD REICH PC faithful to the game, so much so that the
- computer game will not allow you to make an illegal move.
- DISTRIBUTION: This demo is provided free of charge, you may copy and distribute it as
- you wish.
- To run, just type: 3R
- To load a saved game type: 3R 3Rsave00.3rg
- The Demo version of Third Reich requires 1280K of EMS.
- In order to get the game to run under Windows95, follow the instructions
- below to create a DOS shortcut to configure the memory for the game.
- - From the Windows Explorer
- - Double-click on the Windows Folder
- - Click on the View menu. Choose OPTIONS
- - The 4th option down(HIDE MS-DOS FILE EXTENSIONS) should be
- un-checked. If not, un-check it, and click on APPLY
- - In the right window(titled CONTENTS OF WINDOWS), right click
- on the file called COMMAND.COM
- - From the popup menu, choose CREATE SHORTCUT
- - You will now see a shortcut highlighted in the window
- - Right click on the Shortcut
- - Choose PROGRAM
- - Click the ADVANCED button
- - Select MS-DOS MODE
- - Click the CONFIGURATION button
- - Select MOUSE(if not listed, contact your system manufacturer
- for the correct line to load your DOS-mode mouse driver
- - Click the OK button
- - In the windows titled "CONFIG.SYS FOR MS-DOS MODE" click on the
- end of the last line(devicehigh=c:\windows\emm386.exe)
- - At the end of this line, put a space, and the word RAM
- - Click the OK button
- - Click the OK button
- - To use the shortcut, double-click on it and answer YES to the
- warning. This will reboot your machine with the memory
- configuration that Third Reich requires. Once finished
- playing Third Reich, simply type EXIT at the prompt and
- press RETURN to reboot back into Windows95.
- If the game seems very slow, or constantly accesses the hard drive, please
- use smartdrv.exe or some similar program.
- IMPORTANT: We have noticed problems while running Third Reich under QEMM. If
- you experience trouble you may wish to remove the line:
- from your config.sys (or autoexec.bat).
- THE GREEN LIGHT!!! Up in the top-left of your screen is a green or red light. If the
- light is green, the computer is waiting for you to do something. If the light is red, the
- machine is thinking and/or working and you should not touch any keys or click your
- mouse.
- Map Screen: This shows the game map and the position of the units on it.
- Scroll Rose: This is the group of eight arrow buttons, which move the map on the Map
- Screen. Select any arrow button and the map will scroll one hex in that direction. Click on
- any arrow button with the right mouse button and, depending on which button you're
- using, the map will scroll three hexes vertically and/or four hexes horizontally in that
- direction. You can also scroll one hex at a time by pressing an arrow key on the
- keyboard--or by Selecting a hex on the map that lies partially off the edge of the screen.
- Done Button: Selecting this button causes the program to exit the current step/phase and
- proceed to the next step/phase. In some cases, however, as prompted by the appropriate
- message on-screen, pressing Done will abort a particular action.
- Displays a dialog box with a number of buttons which are used to conduct various actions
- in the game. Specifically, they are:
- PLACE AIRBASE: Selecting this allows you to place an airbase on the map (assuming
- the friendly country in question has one to place).
- SPLIT AIR UNIT: Selecting this allows you to divide an air unit into two smaller ones,
- within certain limitations.
- COMBINE AIR UNITS: Selecting this lets you combine two same-nationality air units
- into a larger one (up to the maximum size ever available in that country's Force Pool).
- COMBINE NAVAL UNITS: Selecting this lets you combine partial naval units into a full
- 9-factor fleet.
- CHANGE MAP SIZE: Selecting this switches the map between an overall view of the
- entire map and a zoomed-in (i.e., close-up) view of a portion of the map.
- CHANGE MAP COLOR: Selecting this switches the map between the original white
- Third Reich map and the more colorful relief map.
- Displays a dialog box with a number of buttons which are used to display the current
- amounts or status of certain items. Specifically, they are:
- BRP LIST: This displays, for each Major Power, its total BRPs, remaining BRPs, BRP
- spending limit, BRPs spent this turn, growth rate, Allied/Axis/neutral status, the number
- and type(s) of unbuilt units remaining in its Force Pool, and its declared Front Options for
- the current Player Turn.
- DoW LIST: This displays who is at war with whom, who is allied to whom, and the
- countries each Major Power has conquered since the start of the scenario. The number in
- parentheses beside the name of a country is its current BRP value to the opponent should
- he conquer that country now.
- SR LIST: This displays the number of SRs each Major Power can make at the present
- time. The number changes as the country conducts SRs during the SR Phase.
- Displays a dialog box with a number of buttons which are used to display various charts
- and tables in the game. Specifically, they are:
- AIR COMBAT MODIFIERS: This displays the various modifiers applicable to Air
- Combat.
- ATTRITION TABLE: This displays the combat results table for Attrition Combat.
- BRP COST CHART: This displays the BRP cost of building units, declaring war and
- choosing Offensive Options.
- COMBAT RESULT TABLE: This displays the combat results table for Offensive
- Combat.
- INTERCEPTION TABLE: This displays the probability of one fleet successfully
- Intercepting another, based on both the distance the Intercepting fleet must travel and a die
- roll made by the program.
- MAP LEGEND: This displays an explanation of the terrain symbology used on the map.
- MINOR COUNTRY FORCES TABLE: This displays a list of how many and what types
- of units each minor country possesses.
- NAVAL COMBAT MODIFIERS: This displays the various modifiers applicable to
- Naval Combat.
- TERRAIN EFFECTS CHART: This displays the effects of the various terrain types on
- movement and combat.
- UNIT TYPES: This displays the various types of units and what their numbers and
- symbols mean.
- EXIT BUTTON: This allows you to exit the game. Note that this will not save the game.
- If you wish to save it, you must play through to the end of the Player Turn, at which point
- a Save prompt will appear.
- HEX VIEW BOX: When you use the right mouse button to click in a hex on the Map
- Screen, that hex appears in the Hex View box.
- HEX DATA BOX: This shows information about the hex currently being displayed in
- the Hex View box.
- ODDS BOX: When you Select a specific hex to attack, this displays the current combat
- odds and the Combat Results Table column that the attack will be resolved on. (Note that
- there is a 3:1 maximum combat ratio of air:ground units for Ground Support and DAS.)
- FORCES BOX: In certain phases of the game (e.g., setup, unit construction), this box
- displays the force(s) involved in that process. Otherwise it shows the unit(s) occupying the
- hex that currently appears in the Hex View box.
- MESSAGE BOX: This allows the program to communicate with you--e.g., prompting
- you to perform an action, or explaining why your attempted action is not allowed.
- CALENDAR BOX: This displays the current Game Turn date. The current Player Turn
- is indicated by a "I" ("first") or "II" ("second") in the upper left-hand corner of the Box.
- FLAG BOX: The flag displayed here indicates the side (not just the nation) whose Player
- Turn it is. The specific flag used is the one whose country has the most BRPs on its side
- when the flag appears. There are several exceptions to this, however:
- * Whenever a particular country's setup forces, YSS, Force Pool, Front Options choice or
- Allowable Builds appear in the Forces Box, and whenever a minor country has its separate
- Movement-Combat Phase (see 5.43), that particular nation's flag appears.
- * Whenever a side is allowed to conduct Naval (Counter-) Interceptions (see 5.45c; 5.46d-
- .46e) or Defensive Air Support (5.46d; 5.46l), the flag for its side is displayed even if it is
- the opponent's Player Turn.
- MAP BOX: This is a reduced-size view of the entire map, with a small, red rectangle in it
- which outlines the part of the map being displayed on the Map Screen when the map is in
- zoomed-in view. Left-clicking in the Map Box automatically switches the map to its
- zoomed-in view (if not in that view already) and scrolls it to display the position where you
- clicked.
- PHASE BOX: This displays the current phase/step of the Turn Sequence.
- BRPs--one of the most important concepts in the game--represent the economic and -
- industrial capacities of the Major Powers and thus their war-effort potential. Each Major
- Power begins the game with a base amount of BRPS. This base amount is regenerated in
- the Year Start Sequence (YSS). The base amount can be supplemented by conquering
- countries and Economic Growth. Economic Growth occurs when a Major Power has
- BRPs remaining at the end of the year, a portion of the remainder is added to the Major
- Power's BRP base. A Major Power spends its BRPs by declaring war, choosing
- Offensive Options, constructing units, waging Strategic Warfare (SW), and granting BRPs
- to other nations. It may involuntarily lose BRPs by losing control of a country it occupied
- at Year Start, by the loss of a vital production area, or as a result of Strategic Warfare.
- 3.2 FRONTS
- The mapboard is divided into three separate fronts by heavy red lines--Western, Eastern
- and Mediterranean. At the beginning of a player turn each major power selects, for each of
- the three fronts separately, either an Offensive Option, an Attrition Option or a Pass
- Option.
- Each land hex is controlled by the last nation to have ground units on it or pass ground
- units through it. A unit which traverses hexes controlled by a major power ally does not
- change the control of those hexes.
- Putting more than one unit in a hex is called stacking. Stacking is limited to two ground
- units per hex with the following exceptions:
- * Three ground units may stack in London if all three are British.
- * Airborne units are never counted for stacking limit purposes and may be added to any
- legal stack. This is true even if the unit moves like normal infantry.
- * Five ground units may stack on a Bridgehead counter.
- * Armor units may overstack on a Breakthrough hex, but such overstacking must be
- remedied by the end of your SR phase.
- Zones of control adversely affect enemy movement and supply. Every ground unit exerts a
- zone of control (hereafter referred to as ZOC) on the hex it occupies. Armor units, only,
- exert an additional ZOC on the six hexes adjacent to the hex they occupy, with some
- qualifications:
- * Armor ZOCs do not extend across all-water (not river) hexsides, across hexsides
- containing crossing arrows, nor into fortress hexes.
- The computer will set up the units for you. If you would like to change the set up of your
- units, click on the units you would like to reposition and they will appear in the Forces
- Box. From there they can be replaced to the map. Click on the unit in the Forces Box and
- then click on the hex you would like the unit to be set up in. You can set up the units of a
- given country only in the area(s) listed as "Controlled at Start" by that country. Minor
- neutrals always setup in their homeland. Also be aware of minimum set up requirements
- for some nations which the computer will remind you about if you fail to abide by them.
- After you finish setting up (or re-arranging) the units of each country, press Done.
- Selecting Air Units:
- When you Select an air unit in the Forces Box, the display changes to show all the
- increments of that air unit available to you. Select the size you want, and then Select the hex
- you want to set up the air unit in. Air units are the only unit type that can be voluntarily
- broken down and recombined during play.
- Inspecting Stacks and Selecting Units:
- Note that a unit in a stack can be Selected for an action--or Deselected--only when at the
- top of that stack. If you want to view all the units in a stack simultaneously, right-click on
- that stack on the Map Screen and its contents will appear in the Forces. If you wish to
- either view the units in a stack one at a time or Select one of those units, right-click on that
- stack on the Map Screen; each time you do so that stack's bottom unit will shift to the top.
- The program will not display more than four units per stack; however, a stack with five or
- more units in it normally has its bottom unit outlined in black.
- THIRD REICH PC is played in Game Turns representing three months each. Each Game
- Turn contains two Player Turns, with the side having the higher Basic Resource Point
- (BRP) Total moving first within that Game Turn. Each Player Turn is sub-divided into
- Movement, Combat, Unit Construction, and Strategic Redeployment phases. There is also
- a separate Year Start Sequence (YSS) between each Winter and Spring Game Turn.
- Each Game Turn must follow the sequence below:
- If a Spring Game Turn is about to begin, the Year Start may apply first. See 6.0.
- 5.2 possible Russian-Winter Die Roll
- Not applicable to this demo.
- 5.3 Determination of Player-Turn Order
- Each sides' BRP Totals are compared, and the side with the higher total goes first in the
- new Game Turn. Note that this can allow the same side two turns back-to-back. This is
- called a "flip-flop"--an extremely important element in the overall strategy of the game.
- The Axis player always goes first in the first turn of the 1939-1940 Demo.
- 5.41 Declarations of War (DoW)
- You may declare war on one or more countries at this time. As the Allied player you are in
- control of France and Britain and have already Declared war on Germany. Due to the Nazi-
- Soviet pact of August 1939, the USSR is prohibited from declaring War on German until
- the Fall turn of 1941 unless Germany fails to place at least 20 ground or air factors in hexes
- on the eastern front. You should realize that the computer German player will never fail to
- do this.
- PROCEDURE: If you want to make a declaration of war (DoW), follow these procedures
- when the computer prompts you for any DoWs: Click on the flag of the country that will
- declare war, then click your mouse in any hex of the country that is the recipient of the
- declaration.
- MINOR COUNTRY PLACEMENT: If you or the computer declared war on a Minor
- country, the player's opponent (thats you if Germany was the one who made the
- declaration of war) now deploys the forces of each minor country that received the
- declaration of war. The countries of Arabia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Persia and Portugal
- have no deployable armed forces (i.e., they are "defenseless"), minor-country Placement
- does not apply to them.
- 5.42 Front-Option Selection
- If it is your turn, you must designate whether each Major Power and active minor country
- on your side will undertake an Offensive, Attrition or Pass Option on each of the three
- Fronts. This choice largely determines what actions your units will be able to perform in
- the current Player Turn. Once you exit the Front-Option Selection step you will not be able
- to change these Options until your next Player Turn.
- * Each Offensive Option costs 15 BRPs;
- * Offensive Air/Naval Missions can be conducted only on each Front that the player has
- chosen an Offensive Option for.
- * No Fortress, Capital, Objective or Bridgehead hex, nor any hex that can be occupied only
- via a hexside containing a Crossing Arrow, can be captured by Attrition combat;
- * A Pass Option greatly restricts all types of movement, and prevents combat, on that Front
- (or in that minor country);
- * Use of the u key during Front-Option Selection enables you to change one or more
- previously selected Options.
- 5.43 Minor-Country Operations
- Provided its attacker's opponent(s) has not yet Intervened, each minor country that has
- been attacked but not yet conquered takes its own separate Player Turn. This separate
- Player Turn comprises a Movement Phase (and a Combat Phase unless the country chose
- a Pass Option) only--and occurs immediately after the Player Turn in which it was
- invaded but before the movement and combat, etc. (as listed below) of the Phasing
- Player's Major Power(s).
- 5.44 Voluntary Destruction of Units
- You may voluntarily Select any of your units, thereby eliminating them and returning them
- to their respective country's Force Pool. Note that voluntarily eliminated units cannot be
- rebuilt during the same turn.
- You may move all, some or none of the units you control. Ground units may move up to
- the limit of their movement factor. Naval units may change base (but may not move to
- another front in so doing) and air units may stage.
- STAGING: An air unit may stage (change bases) up to eight hexes during its Movement
- Phase. The new base hex need not be on the same front as the old base. It must have been
- controlled by the staging side at the start of its turn.
- Movement is conducted in the following order:
- 5.45a Move German units to/from Murmansk Box
- Not applicable in the demo.
- 5.45b Fleet Movement
- If you have an available fleet unit, you are asked to Select one that you wish to move and
- then to Select the hex that you wish to move that fleet to (it must be to a friendly-controlled
- port on the same Front). After you have Selected the destination port, you are prompted to
- plot a path from the fleet's starting port to that destination port. This is done by Selecting
- first a sea or coastal hex that is adjacent to the starting port, and then Selecting each hex
- along a desired path of contiguous sea/coastal hexes to (and including) the destination port.
- Repeat this procedure for each fleet you wish to move.
- 5.45c Naval Interception & Counter-Interception
- After all fleet movement has been completed, the defender may attempt to intercept such
- movement with his naval and air units.
- PROCEDURE: Select the fleet you wish to intercept. That fleet's movement path is
- indicated on the map and you are asked to confirm your intended Interception. If you
- answer Yes, Select an eligible friendly fleet or air unit to Intercept with, and Select the hex
- of Interception. If you choose a fleet to Intercept with, you must then move it hex-by-hex
- to the point of Interception. You may repeat this procedure as many times as you can bring
- eligible fleet/air units to bear, and may use them to Intercept the enemy fleet in the same or
- different hexes [Exception: all fleets Intercepting the same enemy fleet must do so in the
- same hex]. When you have completed all your Interception attempts vs. that enemy fleet,
- press Done and you will be asked if you wish to implement the Interception.
- (IMPORTANT: a Yes answer will bar further Interception attempts vs. that fleet.) When
- you answer Yes, you may then choose another enemy fleet to Intercept, repeating the
- above steps to do so. When you have completed all your Interception attempts vs. all
- enemy fleets, press Done and then answer Yes to confirm it.
- COUNTER-INTERCEPTION: Now (as the phasing player) you will be asked if you
- wish to Counter-Intercept the computer's Interception fleet(s) with any of your own fleet/-
- air units that have not moved yet and are on the same Front. Doing so follows the same
- procedure as above, but with the Phasing Player in the Intercepting role.When you have
- completed all of your Interception attempts vs. all such enemy fleets, press Done and then
- answers Yes to confirm it.
- COUNTER-COUNTER-INTERCEPTION: Now Counter-Counter-Interception may
- occur against Counter-Interception. This back-and-forth series of designating Interceptions,
- Counter-Interceptions, etc., continues until neither side has any further units willing/able to
- participate.
- 5.45d Interception Resolution
- All (Counter-) Interceptions are now resolved, one at a time, in the opposite order of their
- designation (i.e., those designated last being resolved first, etc.), and the results are
- displayed on the screen. The program implements all losses and moves/returns surviving
- units to their proper hexes.
- 5.45e Check Supply & Designate Supply Fleets
- If a unit cannot trace a Line of Supply to a supply source at this time, it is unsupplied.
- Unsupplied units may not move and are eliminated if still unsupplied at the end of the
- owning player's turn.
- All capitals of major and minor powers are supply sources for the side that controls them,
- provided that their country has unit counters represented in the game (Lisbon and
- Jerusalem, for example, do not qualify). All ports in Libya are supply sources for Axis
- only; all ports in Egypt are supply sources for Allies only. Tunis and Beirut are sources of
- supply for French units, but this supply cannot be shared with other nationalities.
- All fortress hexes supply units in the fortress hex, and only those units--units outside a
- fortress hex may never trace a supply line thereto.
- Konigsberg and Durazzo are supply sources for, respectively, German only and Italy only
- at the start of the 1939 scenario. They lose their status as soon as a normal land supply line
- is opened to these areas.
- Each supply source may supply an unlimited number of units unless specified otherwise.
- A unit is in supply if it can trace a line of controlled hexes, free of enemy ZOC, between
- itself and a supply source. Enemy ZOC over the unit and/or the source does not block this
- supply line as long as all hexes in the supply line between the unit and the source are free of
- enemy ZOC. Units adjacent to a supply source are always in supply unless both the supply
- source and the adjacent unit are in the ZOC of the same enemy unit. Supply lines, like
- ground units, may cross water without naval assistance at a Crossing Arrow. The
- controlled hexes may be hexes controlled by the power tracing the supply line and/or hexes
- controlled by allies of the tracing power.
- Supply over water is more complex. A fleet must be designated to carry supply. Each
- naval factor may supply one ground unit (or airbase)--thus a 9-factor fleet could supply
- nine ground units. One fleet counter could provide supply to more than one
- port/Bridgehead on the far shore. The supply line is traced from the source, by land, to the
- base of the designated fleet, thence across water to a port or Bridgehead, thence by land to
- the supplied unit(s). Both land portions of the line must be composed of controlled hexes
- and free of enemy ZOC. Bridgehead counters may receive sea supply lines in this manner
- only if they were placed as a result of seaborne invasion.
- ISLANDS: Islands without a port may also be supplied by sea through any one coastal hex
- designated by the occupant.
- PROCEDURE: If the message "Select a red-outlined fleet to use for supply" appears at
- this time, the screen will automatically scroll to show one or more out-of-supply units
- (which are outlined in purple for identification purposes). If those units can be supplied by
- sea, Select a red-outlined fleet on the same Front, then Select a destination port, bridgehead
- or one-hex island for the supplies to go to. Lastly, to actually put it the units back in supply,
- Select each unsupplied unit that can trace a supply line to that destination.
- 5.45f Normal Ground/Air Movement
- To move a ground unit, Select it, then Select a land hex adjacent to it, then continue to
- Select each hex along a desired path of contiguous land hexes to (and including) the unit's
- destination hex (or until it runs out of movement factors). Note that the printed movement
- factor on the unit changes as you move the unit, indicating how much movement it has left.
- When a ground unit reaches its destination hex but still has movement factors remaining,
- you must Deselect it to end its movement before you can attempt to move another unit.
- To stage (i.e., move) an air unit, Select it, then Select the friendly-controlled airbase
- (including city) hex--up to a maximum of eight hexes away--that it wishes to stage to.
- You may abort a ground/air unit's move by Selecting it again after its movement has
- ended. A moving unit's red outline turns to blue when its movement has ended.
- 5.45g Overstacking Elimination
- If you have one or more units that are currently overstacked, the screen will scroll to show
- them (outlined in red), and a dialog box notifying you of this situation will appear. If you
- answer No in the dialog box, you will be returned to the Movement Phase so you can
- move your overstacked unit(s) to conform to legal stacking limits. If you answer Yes (e.g.,
- if there is no adjacent hex that unit can legally enter), you must then eliminate enough
- eligible units in each overstacked hex to bring it within legal stacking limits.
- 5.45h Possible Eastern-Front Factor Check
- This is automatically handled by the computer. As the Axis player, the computer will
- always have at least 20 ground or air factors on the east front thereby prohibiting Russia
- from declaring war on the Axis.
- You may now perform Offensive Naval/Air Missions (if otherwise allowed), and may
- conduct and resolve combat, in the following order:
- 5.46a Attrition Combat
- The number or ground factors in contact with enemy units determines the level of Attrition
- that occurs on the Front. Attrition combat will yield hexes and will eliminate enemy units.
- Attrition occurs only against the defender.
- RESOLUTION: Attrition is resolved separately for each Front. Your participating units are
- marked with a red outline. However, any that are adjacent to another Front where they
- could be used in an Offensive or another Attrition Combat are outlined in purple instead,
- and you are prompted to Deselect each one that you want to keep from participating in the
- current Attrition resolution. When you press Done, Attrition is resolved, and both the
- number of hexes you are allowed to occupy and the number of ground units your opponent
- must eliminate are displayed.
- OCCUPYING A HEX: If the Attrition Table allows you to occupy a hex, select each hex
- (if any) that you wish to force all enemy ground units out of. (If you do not wish to do so,
- or if you opt to Select fewer hexes than you are entitled to, you may press Done, and the
- game will proceed to the next step in play.) Note the following:
- * Each such hex must be currently occupied by an enemy ground unit and must be adjacent
- to one of your red-outlined units;
- * If you force an enemy unit out of its hex, you must occupy that hex with one of your
- adjacent red-outlined units (see below);
- * Since minor-neutral units cannot advance beyond their own borders, they cannot force an
- enemy unit to retreat.
- Next, Select a red-outlined ground unit that is adjacent to each vacated hex to occupy that
- hex. If the computer has made an Attrition attack against you and is allowed to occupy
- some of your hexes, you must retreat your units from the hexes the computer selects. To
- do this, select a ground unit in the hex chosen, then Select an adjacent hex to retreat it to.
- Repeat this until all of your ground units in marked hexes have retreated.
- 5.46b Offensive Naval/Air Missions
- You may Select one or more friendly naval units to perform Offensive Missions (i.e., Sea
- Transport, Seaborne Invasion or Shore Bombardment) on each Front for which you have
- chosen an Offensive Option. To perform an offensive naval mission, Select (in order, as
- prompted by the program): one eligible fleet, its Mission type, its destination hex, its path
- of movement, all other fleets in its starting hex that will accompany it, and all units that it
- will carry (the latter will disappear from the map as they are Selected). See also the special
- procedures below. Ground/air units cannot be Selected if they are out of supply, or if they
- moved or carried out some other activity prior to the Combat Phase.
- If you decide to abort the Mission of a fleet, you may do so by Selecting that fleet again
- before it reaches its destination hex.
- Invasions may be directed against any beach hex, Gibraltar or single hex island. A fleet
- conducting a Seaborne Invasion can carry only ground units that are in its port of
- embarkation (i.e., its starting hex), and only at the rate of one ground factor per three naval
- factors. The hex designated as the target of the Invasion force must be attacked by some
- ground unit of yours--even if the attacking unit is not part of the Invasion force. If the hex
- does not contain an enemy unit, the attack is directed against an empty hex and may
- generate Breakthrough and Exploitation. If the target hex contains an enemy 9-factor fleet,
- at the start of the player turn, Invasion may not be attempted there.
- Fleets may move from one controlled port to another controlled port on the same front,
- carrying ground or air units. Each two naval factors may transport one ground or air
- combat factor. When the "The fleet has reached its final-destination portâ•”" prompt
- appears, answer Yes unless you have not yet finished picking up units for this Sea
- Transport Mission.
- Ground and Air Units may move before and after being Sea Transported: Ground
- units that are in supply, and that have neither moved nor carried out any other activity in the
- current Player Turn, may be moved by you in the Combat Phase to a port from which it
- will be Sea Transported. Such movement is conducted after you have moved the Sea-
- Transport fleet (and any other fleets that accompany it) to its final-destination port. Move
- the ground unit just as if it were the Movement Phase, but each must end its move in a
- marked port hex that was friendly-controlled at the start of your Turn or its move will be
- canceled. Sea-Transported ground/air units may move after re-appearing in their destination
- port if they have a sufficient movement allowance remaining--but this is done after all
- Interceptions are resolved (see 5.46f below).
- Air units may perform one mission (offensive or defensive) per turn. Offensive missions
- are flown during the combat phase on a Front where an Offensive Option has been chosen.
- There are four different types of Offensive Air Missions: Ground Support, Counterair,
- Interception and Attack on Naval Bases. Air units on an Offensive Air Mission may fly up
- to four hexes to their target. To perform an offensive air mission, first Select an eligible air
- unit that will perform it, then Select the defending ground unit's hex (for Ground Support),
- the defender's air unit (for Counter-Air), or the hex that contains the enemy port and
- fleet(s). Note that Interception of Defensive Air Support (DAS), despite being an
- Offensive Air Mission, is conducted in a later segment.
- 5.46c Counter-Air Resolution
- All Counter-Air Missions designated in the previous step are resolved when Done is
- pressed to end that step. The resulting losses (if any) of air factors are then implemented.
- 5.46d Defensive Air support (DAS) & Intercepting Offensive Naval Missions
- DEFENSIVE AIR SUPPORT (DAS): The defender (or non-phasing player) may use one
- or more friendly air units to conduct Defensive Air Support (DAS) for any/all friendly
- ground units which might be attacked. To do this Select an eligible air unit and then a hex
- that is a possible target of an enemy ground attack. Air units used for Ground Support add
- their combat factor to that of the attacking round units. The total air factors attacking any
- one hex may not exceed three times the total ground factors attacking that hex. Attacking
- air units are destroyed by an "A" result in ground combat. If the attacker suffers an "EX"
- result he may elect to take his losses from either air or ground so long as he eliminates
- sufficient factors. Defending air units are also destroyed if the defending ground units are
- eliminated.
- NAVAL INTERCEPTION: The defender may attempt to Intercept Offensive Naval
- Missions. To do this, Select an enemy fleet that is conducting such a Mission; when you
- do, that fleet's movement path is indicated on the map and you are asked to confirm your
- intended Interception. If you answer Yes, Select an eligible friendly fleet or air unit to
- Intercept with, and also Select the hex of Interception. If you choose a fleet to Intercept
- with, you must then move it hex-by-hex to the point of Interception. You may repeat this
- procedure as many times as you can bring eligible fleet/air units to bear, and may use them
- to Intercept the enemy fleet in the same or different hexes [Exception: all fleets Intercepting
- the same enemy fleet must do so in the same hex]. When you have completed all your
- Interception attempts vs. that enemy fleet, press Done. You will next be asked if you wish
- to implement the Interception. When you answer Yes, you may choose another enemy
- fleet to Intercept, repeating the same procedure to do so. When you have completed all
- your Interception attempts vs. all enemy fleets, press Done and then answers Yes to
- confirm it.
- 5.46e DAS Interception and Combat-Phase Air/Naval Counter-Interception
- INTERCEPTION: You may Intercept enemy DAS with your own friendly air units which
- have not yet flown. To do so, Select the air unit and then a hex that contains an enemy air
- unit performing a DAS Mission (repeat this procedure if more than one air unit will
- Intercept). Press Done, and the Interceptions will be resolved and the results displayed.
- IMPORTANT: If the defender has the larger force in combat and wins the aerial combat,
- his survivors may continue their DAS mission (for this reason, the attacker should always
- try to intercept DAS with at least an equal number of Interceptors).
- COUNTER INTERCEPTION: You may also attempt to Counter-Intercept the enemy's
- Interception fleet(s) with any of your own fleet/air units that are not performing a Mission
- and are on the same Front. To do so, Select an enemy fleet that is conducting an
- Interception; when you do, that fleet's movement path is indicated on the map and you are
- asked to confirm your intended Counter-Interception. If you answer Yes, you then Select
- an eligible friendly fleet or air unit to Counter-Intercept with, and Select the hex of Counter-
- Interception. If you choose a fleet to Counter-Intercept with, you must then move it hex-
- by-hex to the point of Counter-Interception. You may repeat this procedure as many times
- as you can bring eligible fleet/air units to bear, and may use them to Counter-Intercept the
- enemy fleet in the same or different hexes [Exception: all fleets Counter-Intercepting the
- same enemy fleet must do so in the same hex]. When you have completed all of your,
- Counter-Interception attempts, press Done and you are asked if you wish to implement the
- Counter-Interception. When you answer Yes, you may then choose another enemy fleet to
- Counter-Intercept, repeating the same procedure to do so.
- RESOLUTION: When you have completed all of your Counter-Interception attempts vs.
- all enemy fleets, press Done and then answer Yes to confirm it. All (Counter-)
- Interceptions are then resolved, one at a time in reverse order (i.e., with the fleets sailing
- last resolving their attempts first), and the results are displayed on the screen. The program
- implements all losses and moves/returns surviving units to their proper hexes.
- 5.46f Landing Sea-Transported Units
- Each unit that was successfully Sea Transported now disembarks automatically in its
- destination port and re-appears on the map. Those that retain movement capability are
- outlined in purple; the Phasing Player may now move them just as if it were the Movement
- Phase (though each will have already expended at least one movement point, for
- disembarking).
- 5.46g Normal Airdrops
- If you have chosen an Offensive Option on any Front(s),you may perform one or more
- Airdrops on that Front by Selecting first an eligible friendly airborne unit and then its
- destination hex. Repeat this procedure until all desired Airdrops have been made.
- 5.46h Normal Ground-Combat
- PROCEDURE: If you choose an Offensive Option for any Front(s), you will be prompted
- to Select a hex to attack, and then to Select the friendly ground unit(s) adjacent to that hex
- (or in the hex, if conducting a Seaborne Invasion and/or attacking with an Airdropped unit)
- with which to make the attack. When ready to resolve the attack, press Done and the results
- will appear.
- ADVANCE AFTER COMBAT: If all defending ground units in the hex are eliminated,
- you may advance one or more of the adjacent attacking ground units into it by Selecting
- each desired unit when so prompted. Normally, due to stacking limits, no more than two
- units may advance--but if a Bridgehead is placed after the initial unit advances, up to five
- units may be placed in the hex (see 7.7).
- BREAKTHROUGH: If the attacking ground unit(s) included at least one armor unit, and
- at least one attacking unit advanced after combat, that hex becomes a Breakthrough hex.
- Each friendly, in-supply armor unit that made no attack during combat, but that was
- adjacent to or stacked with any unit that did attack the Breakthrough hex, may now be
- moved into the Breakthrough hex. To conduct Breakthrough movement, simply Select
- each eligible armor unit in turn when so prompted. Movement factors and stacking limits
- are ignored.
- SEQUENCE: Each attack, as well as any advance/Breakthrough movement resulting from
- it, is resolved prior to Selecting the next hex to attack; therefore, before exiting Normal
- Combat Resolution, repeat this step as many times as needed to complete all attacks.
- 5.46i Resolving Air Attacks on Naval Bases
- Attacks on enemy fleets in ports that were designated in step 5.46b are resolved.
- 5.46j Exploitation Movement
- Armor that had been freely moved (not advanced) into a Breakthrough hex in step 5.46h
- above may conduct Exploitation Movement. Do this by Selecting each such unit in turn
- and moving it. Exploitation Movement is exactly like normal movement except the units
- are restricted in the distance they may move from the Breakthrough hex. The first
- Exploiting armor unit may move up to two hexes from the Breakthrough hex. Each
- subsequent Exploiting unit may either move up to two hexes from the Breakthrough hex,
- or duplicate exactly the move of a previous Exploiting unit and then move up to two
- additional hexes on its own. In no case may a unit exceed its movement factor, which is
- counted from the Breakthrough hex and is limited normally by the ZOC of any enemy
- armor in the vicinity.
- IMPORTANT: to "duplicate exactly the move of a previously Exploiting unit," select first
- the unit to be moved, and then the current hex of that previously moved unit; this will
- move the unit to that hex, from where it will be able (unless it has now used its full
- movement capability) to complete its Exploitation Movement.
- IMPORTANT: Exploitation Movement cannot be aborted, so be sure you move each unit
- to exactly where you want it to go
- 5.46k Exploitation Ground-Support
- Your friendly air units may provide Ground Support for Exploitation Combat in the same
- way as in regular combat.
- 5.46l Exploitation Defensive-Air-Support
- The defender may commit air units to DAS of a hex that is a possible target of an
- Exploitation ground attack in the same way as in regular combat.
- 5.46m Exploitation DAS-Interception
- Same as in regular combat.
- 5.46n Exploitation Airdrops
- You may perform one or more Exploitation Airdrops in the same way as in 5.46g.
- 5.46o Exploitation Combat
- Only Exploiting units, airborne units that dropped during Exploitation movement, and their
- air support may engage in Exploitation attacks Select a hex to attack, and then Select the
- Exploiting armor unit(s) (and/or the airborne in or) adjacent to that hex with which to make
- the attack. (note that more than two ground units can make an Exploitation attack from a
- Breakthrough Hex). When ready to resolve the attack, press Done and the results will
- appear. (Note: the program resolves all Counterattack results internally--although the die
- rolls generated for them can be seen if the Die Roll Display is turned on--and shows only
- the net result of the attack.)
- ADVANCE AFTER COMBAT: If all defending ground units in the hex are eliminated,
- you can have one or more of the attacking armor units advance into it by Selecting each
- unit when so prompted.
- 5.46p Attrition Combat
- All Attrition combat not resolved earlier in the turn is resolved now.
- 5.47 Unit Construction Phase
- You may build new units and/or conduct certain other activities, in the following order:
- 5.47a Unit construction
- You may build units that are available in the Force Pool of each of his Major Powers and
- active Minor-Allies. To do so, Select a unit in the Forces Box, then Select the hex you wish
- to place it in. When finished constructing units for that country, press Done. Note that each
- nation's current spendable-BRP total (or, for an active Minor-Ally, the total for the Major
- Power it is allied to) appears in the Forces Box along with the nation's Allowable Builds.
- If you build a unit in the wrong hex or decide you don't want to build it after all, Deselect
- its counter in the Forces Box if it is still outlined with a red and white border, then Select
- the actual unit (the one on the map) and it will be put back in the Forces Box. Note that
- newly built air and naval units cannot perform a Mission during the Game Turn they were
- constructed (as indicated by their light-blue outline for the remainder of that Game Turn).
- AIR UNITS: If you build a partial air unit in a hex that contains one or more other partial
- air units of its same nationality, those whose combat factors total at least "5" are
- automatically combined into a 5-4 air unit.
- NAVAL UNITS: Partial naval units cannot be rebuilt, only 9-factor fleets.
- 5.48a designate BRP Grants
- Not applicable to the demo.
- 5.48b Lend-Lease
- Not applicable to the demo.
- 5.48e SRing units
- You may Strategically Redeploy (SR) a number of your on-map units (France may SR
- five units, Britain may SR seven units). Units SRed by land may move an unlimited
- distance, but only over controlled, supplied hexes. Any SRed unit may not be adjacent to
- nor move adjacent to any enemy unit including air, naval and airbase counters. Any type of
- unit may SR, including Air, ground and naval units. Naval units being SRed may not cross
- more than one front boundary. They may pass through the strait of Gibraltar only if
- Gibraltar is controlled by their side.
- SEQUENCE OF SR: The SRs of one nation need not be completed before starting the
- SRs of another. A unit Selected for SR can be Deselected, thereby aborting its SR,
- provided it has not yet actually been SR'd.
- SR OVER WATER: In order for a land unit to cross water, a 9-factor fleet must provide
- Sea Escort. Each 9-factor fleet may Sea Escort one unit counter of any size. Lesser fleets
- may not perform Sea Escort. The unit must be able to move to the escorting fleet's base by
- controlled land hexes. The Sea Escort portion of any given SR must begin and end in
- controlled ports. To Sea Escort a ground or air unit, Select first that unit and then an eligible
- fleet.
- CROSS FRONT SR: Sea Escort is also possible across a Front boundary if a second
- unused fleet is available in a two-Front port (for example, Gibraltar) between those Fronts.
- Conduct cross-Front Sea Escort by Selecting first the unit to be Sea Escorted, and then an
- eligible fleet on the same Front; answer Yes to the ensuing question, Select the fleet in the
- two-Front port, and then Select the destination on the other Front. Cross-Front Sea Escort
- is also possible between a Western-Front port and Suez city if both are friendly to the
- Phasing Player. Conduct it by Selecting first the unit to be Sea Escorted, and then an
- eligible fleet on the same Front. Answer Yes to the ensuing question, and then Select the
- destination on the other Front. This kind of SR uses up two SRs for that nationality.
- 5.48f Check Supply & Designate Supply Fleets
- Supply is checked again at this point. If any of your units (including airbases) are currently
- out of supply, the message "Select a red-outlined fleet to carry supply" will appear in the
- Message Box, allowing you to designate an eligible fleet for sea supply.
- 5.48g Elimination of Unsupplied Units
- If Done is pressed while one or more units is out of supply, those units are automatically
- eliminated if Yes is pressed in the dialog box that appears. If No is pressed, the screen will
- scroll (if necessary) to show an unsupplied unit/stack outlined in purple, and you are given
- another chance to designate a supply fleet.
- 5.48h Relocation of Unsupplied Air Bases
- The program now moves each unsupplied airbase of the Phasing Player's side to the
- Capital of its country. Each air unit left in a non-city (or left overstacked in a city) hex due
- to this is automatically moved to the nearest friendly city or airbase; if more than one are
- equidistant, you will be prompted to choose one for each such air unit.
- 5.48i Removal of Certain Bridgeheads
- At this point the program will automatically remove any Bridgehead which is no longer
- required to supply a unit and is more than four land hexes from an enemy unit.
- 5.48j Overstacking Elimination
- If you have one or more units that are currently overstacked, the screen will scroll to show
- them (outlined in red), and a dialog box notifying you of this situation will appear. If you
- answer No in the dialog box, you can then SR your overstacked unit(s) so as to conform to
- legal stacking limits. If you answer Yes (e.g., if the unit cannot be SR'd for some reason),
- you must then eliminate enough eligible units in each overstacked hex to bring it within
- legal stacking limits.
- 5.48k Possible Eastern-Front Factor Check
- If it is an Axis Player Turn, and Germany and the U.S.S.R. are not yet at war, the program
- checks again at this point to see if the Axis has at least 20 ground/air factors on the Eastern
- Front.
- 5.49b Save-Game prompt for 1939-40 Demo
- When this dialog box appears and you answer Yes to it, the current player turn is saved in
- the file 3r save00.3rg. You can resume play if you exit the game by typing 3r save 00.3rg.
- 5.5 Second Player Turn
- The opposing player now becomes the Phasing Player, and the steps are repeated.
- 5.6 The Next Game Turn
- At the end of each second Player Turn, the Calendar Box displays a new turn date to
- signify the start of a new Game Turn. At this point the program will tell you which side--
- Axis or Allied--goes first, and after pressing OK you may resume play as per 5.0.
- The YSS consists of Strategic-Warfare-Resolution, BRP-Calculation and Strategic-
- Warfare-Construction Phases. It occurs immediately before the start of each Spring Game
- Turn. This will occur only once in this demo (before the spring 1940 turn).
- 6.1 Strategic Warfare (SW) Resolution
- Not applicable to this demo.
- 6.2 BRP-total Calculation
- The program now calculates a new BRP Total for each Major Power. After Strategic
- Warfare Construction (6.3) is finished, each Power's Total is re-adjusted accordingly. Note
- that half (fractions rounded down) of each new Total is the maximum amount of BRPs
- that Power may spend during any one Player Turn in this Game Turn.
- 6.3 Strategic Warfare Construction
- Not applicable to this demo.
- 7.1 Switzerland
- No nation may declare war on Switzerland and no hexes in that country may be entered by
- ground units or overflown by air units.
- 7.2 The Suez Canal
- Hexsides LL30/LL31, MM30/LL31 and MM30/MM31 are the Suez Canal; they are treated
- as a river for all purposes, the only exception being that naval units may enter them. Naval
- movement may occur only if the hexes adjacent to the canal are under friendly control.
- 7.3 Poland/East Europe
- The demo begins with German at war with France, Britain and Poland; none of the major
- powers pay DoW cost unless they declare war on additional countries. German must begin
- with an Offensive Option on the Eastern Front and must make at least one ground attack
- on Polish ground units.
- Germany must maintain at least 20 ground and/or air factors on the Eastern Front until
- Russia and German are at war.
- The dotted red line running north-south in Poland is the partition line agreed to in the Nazi-
- Soviet pact.
- On the Russian Fall 1939 turn or thereafter, Russia may declare war on and occupy East
- Europe. East Europe is comprised of the Baltic States, Poland east of the partition line and
- Bessarabia (Rumania east of the Eastern Front boundary). Russia must pay 10 BRPs to
- declare war on all of East Europe. Russian units may not move across the Polish partition
- line unless at war with Germany. Russia need only occupy the three Eastern Polish cities
- to satisfy the Polish portion of her East Europe conquest requirements.
- 7.4 Russia: Russia may not declare war on Germany or Italy or take any action that would
- automatically result in war with Germany until the Fall 1941 turn. Until Russia is at war
- with Germany or Italy, she may declare war only on bordering minor countries. She may
- not declare war on Axis Minor Allies (active or not) if the minor is garrisoned by at least
- one German ground factor.
- 7.5 Anglo-French Cooperation:
- STACKING: British and French units may not stack together under any circumstances.
- Specifically:
- * British fleets may not carry nor Sea Escort French units.
- * British air units may give offensive Ground Support to French ground units (because the
- British air would be placed atop the attacked Axis units rather than atop the French)
- provided the attacked units are not in a hex prohibited by to them (see below). They may
- not give DAS to the French, because they may not be atop the French units.
- * British armor may not exploit a French breakthrough.
- * British and French air and fleet units may not combine to conduct any mission.
- PROHIBITED HEXES: British units may not be in the Maginot line, Paris, Marseilles,
- nor the city of Vichy. They may pass through these hexes during Movement or SR, but
- may not pause in them at any point of a turn. If forced to retreat into such a prohibited hex
- they are eliminated. French units may not enter Britain or British colonies (including
- Gibraltar).
- 7.6 US ENTRY: The U.S. enters play during the spring 1942 turn, so will not come into
- play in the demo.
- 7.7 BRIDGEHEADS: Five ground units may occupy a Bridgehead. Only two may attack
- during an Offensive Option (three if all three are British in London). All five are counted if
- in contact with the enemy during an Attrition Option. All five defend against an attack and
- all five can counterattack when required. A Bridgehead counter may, at the attacker's
- option, be placed on:
- 1. A hex successfully occupied by seaborne invasion.
- 2. A tripled river hex or crossing arrow hex successfully occupied by an Offensive Option
- Attack.
- ALLIED MARGINAL: Prevent the capture of Paris
- ALLIED TACTICAL: Conquer Italy
- ALLIED DECISIVE: Conquer Germany
- STALEMATE: The Axis capture Paris in the second player turn of the Winter, 1940
- Game Turn
- AXIS MARGINAL: France is conquered in Winter, 1940 turn *
- AXIS TACTICAL: France is conquered in the Fall, 1940 turn*
- AXIS DECISIVE: France is conquered in the Summer, 1940 turn*
- *Conquest occurs immediately after the conquered power fails to regain control of the
- capital during its combat phase.
- 9.0 HOT KEYS
- F1: -Exit to Scenario Screen
- F2: Change Map Color
- F3: Change Map Size
- F4: Split Air Unit
- F5: Combine Air Units
- F6: Place Airbase
- F7: Display Tables Menu
- F8: Display Actions Menu
- F9: Display Status Menu
- F10: Die Roll Display
- Pressing the d key is equivalent to Selecting the Done button with the mouse. The same is
- true for the y, n and o keys to answer Yes, No or OK respectively. In addition, the Enter
- key functions like the o or the y key. Pressing b allows you to remove a Bridgehead.
- Pressing v displays the version of the game.
- Lead Programmer: Jamie Nash
- Programming: David Hiller, John Sabean, Bryan Stout
- Lead AI Programmer: David Hiller
- AI Programming: Jamie Nash
- Map Database: Joseph Hummel
- Computer Graphics: Joe Amoral
- Read Me File: Mark Simonitch, Bob McNamara
- Playtest Coordination: David Hiller
- Production Coordination: Bill Levay, Phyllis Opolko
- Original Boardgame Design: John Prados
- Alpha Testing Team:
- Vince Alonso
- David Bowman
- Justin Bunnell
- James Feeney
- David L. Greth
- Roger Hoffman
- Ken Jones
- David Kleiman
- Elliot Kravitz
- Andrew Kurtz
- Michael McMain
- Mike Murnane
- Pascal Ode
- Leslie Odgers
- Steve Parrish
- Jim Pedicord
- Tony Perkins
- Richard Phillips
- Ken Robinson
- Demo Beta Testing Team (additional):
- Steven Brengard
- Stuart Clark
- Scot Crispin
- Michael Delay
- John Griesbacker
- Edward K. Holman
- Michael Lamb
- William Larry
- Andrew G. McArthur
- Eric McConnell
- David Spangler
- Stuart Tucker
- Phil VanWiltenburg
- James Whitfield